Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas day 2006

The kids have just got up and guess what

"he's been Mom and Dad"
Even the dog got presents

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve

Christmas eve .

Santa has just been and left the presents for the kids.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Brads 9th Birthday

You got to blow mate not eat the lot the candle will burn you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Halloween time for witches and skelatons

The best looking
kids in all of Ontario

Do you get your good looks
from your mom Shannon

The two ugly sisters
even the producers for snow white said they were ugly. Things aint looking good girls !!

At the ready with our
Tim Hortons
Swag bags

Time to eat some candy ye ha!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Nicoles 11th Birthday

Looks like Maria cannot wait to help Nicole blow out the candels!!!!!

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Moms and samanthas visit

Monday, August 21, 2006

Story Book Land 'LONDON' Ontario

This is a cool day out the kids loved it

There were lots of story book characters and animals in the kids zoo section.

The kids were more interested in trying to get the money out of the wishing well than throwing any in.

Dad quick we have found mom a new boy friend.

The sea lion was enjoying the swim in the sun.

It must be time for lunch the locals have come out to see whats about.

Now that what you call a barn.

The minature church

Dad if i kiss it will it turn into a Princess!!!!!!

You can try mate but i bet you fifty bucks it won't mate.

The water park "time to cool down"

If i stand under here does that mean we don't have to have a wash every again.

Dad whats down this little hole?

Dont know Shannon have a closer look

(he he )!!!!

I knew it would not get you.
You can dodge the sink in the bathroom quicker than that.